
The Question of Light Blue Aprons in Scottish Ritual Lodges

From time to time I get quizzed why Lodge St George wears aprons of a Scottish style but in light blue (same colour as regular UGLQ ritual lodges). Did our founders simply default to a standard Craft colour? Couldn’t they make their mind up about a tartan? And surely light blue is not a traditional regalia colour for a Scottish Lodge?

Well I happened to be reading a 1904 copy of the Grand Lodge of Scotland’s Constitution courtesy of David Cook and in that wonderful tome was a list of all Scottish lodges around the world from the inception of the GLS to 1904. Not only were the lodge names, numbers and locations listed but also what they wore!

As would be expected the first lodge on the roll, Mother Kliwinning #0, wore and still wears green and gold (the colours adopted by the GLS itself). However the next two, The Lodge of Edinburgh (Mary’s Chapel) #1 and The Lodge of Melrose St. John #1both selected and wore light blue (and still do). All three lodges have foundation dates pre-1598. Light blue, as a well as variety of interesting colours, appears over and over again as you read through the list.

So it would appear that not only the name Lodge St George is well known and accepted in Scotland (see a previous post) but also the wearing of light blue is as well. I’d say this choice of the colour well and truly predated other usages of it for Craft aprons in other jurisdictions.



  • Como ya se vio, en Escocia las logias tienen la prerrogativa de elegir el color de sus mandiles, su ritual, su constitucion

    tambien vimos que en el museo de la GL Peru entre sus mandiles yorkinos tienen varios con flap circular (no triangular) y de diversos colores

    Puntualmente, la Britannia 1033 (Santiago de Chile, pertenece a la GL Escocia) actualmente usa mandiles azules

    Entonces, el celeste es el color de la logia que tiene las actas mas antiguas del mundo : Lodge of Edinburgh Mary’s Chapel No 1 en el roll de Escocia ( su mas antigua acta es de julio de 1599, anterior a eso existian pero no tenian la norma de escribir Actas … lo que fue normado en los Estatutos de William Schaw 1598-1599)

    Nicanor Calderon octubre 25, 2020 7:07 pm

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